Monday, January 24, 2011


Danielle Richardet inspires, and this short film about her work motivates.

There are many debates around smoking bans, cigarette taxes, personal freedoms vs over regulation; however, I don't think anyone can argue about the problem of cigarette butt pollution - Danielle puts it best in the film: "...there is absolutely no reason that anybody should be able to get this many [cigarette butts] off the beach."

I cannot agree more - and would be amazed if someone stands up to argue her point. Yet, cigarette butts devastate water quality, contaminate marine life, and foul up our communities like no other across the globe!

How can we turn a single action into a collective gain for water, wildlife, and us...?

Indeed, Danielle shows us how...

1 comment:

  1. Mark,
    I write about plastic mostly, but there are plenty of other issues that are making their way into my conversations.
    Just watched Danielle's film short. Would you be willing to share some facts about cigarettes, specifically about the plastic in the filters that I could put into a future post?
    If this interests you, please let me know. Keep in mind, the facts would need cited sources...
    David McKay
